I guess it was, if not inevitable, highly likely. But I still feel like a schmuck. I lost it with the person who least deserves it. My wife and youngest son came by in the evening for what was my wife's third visit of the day. But by the time they arrived, I was ready to vent. I apologized before the visit was over, but she still didn't deserve it. And today, even though Health TV says to expect mood shifts, I still think I could have toned it down.
Friday was called Day 3 in the Colon/Bowel Surgery milestones chart the nursing staff use to orient themselves to typical things to be done for patients as they recover. The milestones are averages of what patients experience and when they experience it. I've been progressing faster than average, so I think part of the problem for the day was my increasingly high expectation levels for myself. Walking the surgical ward loops, for example - Surgery Day, 3 loops; Day 1, 5 loops; Day 2, 6 loops, Day 3, 8 loops, (so far today, Saturday, 11 loops).
Lack of sleep was another problem. Thursday night, I was unable to get any decent sleep from the noise of the ward, constant interruptions and general discomfort. It catches up with you.
Then there were a lot of visitors. It really was great to see so many people, but I had to start asking friends and family to leave.
Then there was the apparently good news that a semi-private room was ready for me. Unfortunately, that meant a lot of unanticipated work for me, given the lack of sleep, visitors, and walking I'd already done. In addition, the nursing staff didn't seem too interested in setting up my room so I could use the computer, the TV, or even gain access to the call button. By the time my wife arrived, I was in a foul mood.
Saturday promises to be much better. I had a good sleep, my surgeon has authorized me to take some food for the first time since Sunday, and my catheter will be scheduled for removal for Sunday. And my son will have a lengthy visit with me this evening so we can watch two Final Four basketball games together with a head phones splitter device. I'll also have more visitors, but I'll be quick to suggest they stay only as long as works for me.
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