Tuesday, September 23, 2008

An Unwanted Journey: Day 1035 - The Daily Show Stands Up To Cancer

I've mentioned recently how laughter requires giving someone a reason to laugh - the laughter itself is automatic. But there's a problem - as we all know - not everyone gets the reason. Generally, in our household, we can guarantee that when we're all gathered in the family room, eating dinner together and watching a comedy or stand-up routine, we'll all generally get the joke together. It's just so much more fun laughing with other people who share the same sense of humour and get the "reason" at the same time.

One of the shows that elicits laughter from all of us regularly is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and his regulars. Here are a couple of videos devoted to the recent Stand Up To Cancer initiative supported by the major networks and The American Cancer Society. Warning: There is some language that might offend someone out there (not me, but it might offend you!).

Cancer deserves laughter. Those of us afflicted with cancer deserve a chance to laugh the monster down.

Thanks to a fellow patient and blogger, Christine, and her Colon Cancer Sucks Ass blog for bringing my attention to these videos. Hope you get a good laugh out of them.

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