Friday, October 27, 2006

An Unwanted Journey: Day 0339 - Red, Red Wine

The American College of Gastroenterology will be meeting in Las Vegas this coming Monday. I'll be in Vegas a week from this coming Tuesday. Kwinky dink? I think not. Many of those gastroenterologists gathering in Vegas will be toasting a new study with glasses of red wine. I'll drink to that! In fact, when I'm in Vegas, I think I might have a glass of red wine every day, sometimes even while contemplating the same study celebrated by gastroenterologists.

What is it about this study? Well, the study tells us that three glasses of red wine or more per week reduce the incidence of abnormal growths and cancers of the intestinal tract. Dr. Joseph Anderson, an assistant professor from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, discovered that 9.9% of wine abstainers, 8.8% of white wine drinkers, and only 3.4% of more-than-three-glasses-of-red wine-per-week drinkers had colorectal neoplasia - cancers or polyps that become cancerous.

The key ingredient is apparently resveratrol, a component of the skins of grapes and a polyphenol found in red wine.

Dr. Anderson will likely try to spoil the fun - you know, totally ignoring "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". He will likely suggest that people not start drinking red wine. They should exercise instead. Hmmm...maybe if I have a glass or two of red wine while walking on the rebounder while watching movies on the DVD player...yes, that would do the trick!

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