Saturday saw my first experience with chemotherapy-induced nausea. It wasn't too bad and I took my anti-nausea drugs as recommended. But, it did lay me low enough that I had to sleep almost all day and night. I also had no appetite whatsoever, something reflected on the scales this morning.
Thank goodness for the US Open and the FIFA world cup games. When I was awake, I could catch a little from my vantage point in the recliner in the family room. Unfortunately, I was too tired to catch the 4-0 romp of the Edmonton Oilers over the Caroline Hurricane at night. There really is so little on TV that I am grateful for the sporting events.
Today is Father's Day and I am feeling much better. The heat and humidity are tough, though. My wife and I went for an abbreviated walk this afternoon, but I was amazed at how little resilience I had after a day of resting. It will take time for me to build up a reservoir of strength and endurance.
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Been following your progress from the sidelines. As you know day care germs from K prevent us from visiting and don't want to interupt or drain you with yet another phone call. M and I watched a VERY interesting movie/documentary "What The Bleep Do We Know". So interesting was the material that M ordered it, should have it soon. Think that you would be interested if you have not already seen it - based on your previous blog entry. Can potentially drop it off to you if you would like.
Love you,
Hi, A. I'm looking forward to the reunion to see you, M, and K again.
I purchased that movie. Evidently, a sequel will be released this summer.
Hope all is well with you. I heard you and K were under the weather. Take care.
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