Saturday, October 01, 2005

Blogging and the Good Life

It’s been a little over one week now since attending the Microsoft webcast “Introduction to Blogging for the IT Professional”. During that time, I’ve added the NewsBreak mobile aggregator to my Toshiba e830 Pocket PC, installed the Blogger for Word add-on, and installed the NewsGator add-in for Microsoft Outlook for my Dell Inspiron 9300 notebook computer. Well, yet another new world opening up before my eyes!

I just love life these days! My job is great, my family is well and happy, and I’m learning new technologies and meeting cool people. A large part of my sense of wellbeing right now comes from aligning my passion with what I’m paid to do.  I’m an IT manager for a local manufacturing company, working four days a week, every Wednesday off to deal with my own Artifax Applications business and personal matters. I am constantly being exposed to new information and communications technology. There are even fewer pet peeves to deal with these days.

And so blogging technology joins the list of things expanding what Stephen Covey calls my “Circle of Knowledge” (see The 8th Habit).  The humbling thing about that expansion, of course, is that my ignorance also expands (or shall we say my awareness of my ignorance, something NLP’ers call my conscious incompetence).

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