This was a banner week. I am half-way through my chemotherapy with only four more treatments left. In addition, I was able to successfully complete a full week of work with my employer for the first time since before surgery at the end of March.
These are milestones along my road to recovery that mean a lot to me. With the end in sight for chemo treatments, I have a sense of optimism about getting better not just for a few days between treatments, as is the case now, but in a continual improvement over the course of the months leading up to Christmas.
I was even able to get to the gym for a light cardio workout on the treadmill, again something that has not been possible since before surgery. It's hard to describe just how great a sense of accomplishment that was, even though I was very careful to monitor my pulse rate and ensure that I was not overdoing the exertion level. I still won't be able to do any weight training until after the PICC line is removed, but it feels great to even be thinking about improving my fitness level.
Work was a struggle this week, but well worth the effort. Colleagues seemed pleased to see me and to start itemizing all the IT-related tasks they would like me to address. There were times in my office when the fatigue was pronounced, but I managed to slog through those moments and complete full days.
My invitation to others, friends and colleagues, to participate in the World Community Grid projects, especially the one to Help Defeat Cancer, was also a step towards health. In fact, as I get better, it seems natural to start thinking more about others and about making a difference in the overall fight against cancer. There are so many things that can be done; the trick will be finding those opportunities that match my abilities and aptitudes. The World Community Grid project is, I think, a perfect match for the moment.
Please join me in this. It doesn't cost anything and has great potential.
If you know of any other projects that a recovering cancer fighter should consider, please feel free to comment or to write to me personally. I want many, many more banner weeks.
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