Thursday, February 09, 2006

An Unwanted Journey: Day 0077 - Rebuilding

Ask and you will receive.

So, I took the initiative today, requested time to work from home, making it very clear that I would rest when I needed to do so, work as many hours as possible, come in to work for meetings and troubleshooting as required, document my hours and do what I can. The response was very positive, my immediate manager being very supportive, my colleagues offering help and cooperation, and my body reacting with relief. I was still able to accumulate six hours of work, get another ninety minutes of rest, take my son out for lunch, and attend my twenty-third radiation appointment.

During the day, a colleague and I explored collaboration tools such as instant messaging, something we use personally but which we will begin to use for corporate purposes. In addition, I began reading Naked Conversation, Robert Scoble’s and Shel Israel’s recent book on how blogs are changing the way businesses talk with customers. My hope is that we will begin to experiment with corporate blogging at Pano Cap Canada.

When I did go in to work, intending only to be there for a few minutes, I found myself caught up with a variety of colleagues and issues which they wanted to discuss. But instead of finding those conversations fatiguing, I was invigorated, knowing that I could go home at any time to rest. One of the tough conversations, though, was with a salesperson who wanted some explanation about why they were no longer in the running for our next major IT project. I spent the time with him, having been in that position before in sales. Uncomfortable, but necessary.

In other words, as I approach the end of the day, I can honestly say that today was one of regeneration and rebuilding. An added bonus was the comment from the radiation therapist who told me, without any prompting on my part, that she has dealt with hundreds of patients, and that I am doing far better than the vast majority she has treated. But she did concur that it was smart to cut back and allow myself to rest.

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